[email protected]
Kaitlyn is a mom of teenage twins and a young son. She has a bachelor's degree in psychology from elms college and an addiction studies certificate from HCC.
She is a recovery coach and a person in long term recovery from IV drug use and self harm. She is a harm reductionist.
She has lost many people close to her due to substance related deaths. Including her dad who committed suicide in jail, her best friend, and her closest cousin.
These are just some of the people that she does grief work in remembrance of.
She has worked as a direct service provider her whole adult life. And has lost many peers and clients due to substances.
From being a CNA, peer recovery specialist, substance use/ mental health counselor and many other positions she has been in many roles helping people who use drugs (PWUD).
Due to her personal trials like teen pregnancy, homelessness, domestic violence and dual diagnosis she has a passion for helping marginalized people/populations.
While working in various settings she learned the hardships of direct service providers and became aware of the lack of support for those on the front lines.
Especially when it came to grief. Knowing the weight of the work she wanted to be part of holding space for those who tirelessly fight on a daily bases- so they didn't have to carry the weight alone.
She loves to advocate strongly for those who have had their voices taken away by society. And will run along side those people, carrying some even, untill the finish line.